Monday, March 23, 2009

The Master Cleanse. . . Day FIVE. . . (I'm still alive!)

Whoopee-de-do! I tell ya, I woke up feeling GREAT this morning. No hunger pains, mind clear and active, my eyes and skin look so 'fresh' and I lost another TWO POUNDS.

Just in case you didn't catch that last part, I'll repeat: I lost another TWO POUNDS! (for any of you that have been following my journey--that's 12 pounds in 5 days)

My my! That's TWELVE WHOLE POUNDS since I started the cleanse. . . and if that isn't motivation enough to stay on it--then sell me a cheeseburger and call me chunky. MAN! I'm a happy camper. I don't have to squeeze into my jeans anymore.

I was a bit skeptical that Beyonce Knowles lost 20 pounds doing the cleanse to slim down for a role in a new film. . . . but now, by George, I think it can be done!

(and no, I'm not slimming down for a role in a new film) Oh wait! Maybe I am. Maybe it's the film where I change my lifestyle and stick to a healthier diet. Pretty boring stuff for the masses--but a major hit for me if I can pull it off.

I've got a BUNCH of stuff to get done this morning. So I'll update if necessary later. . . I'm off to the races in skinnier jeans and feeling FAB! And I'm HALFWAY DONE!

Yea! There's a lite at the end of this lemonade tunnel. . .

OK, I'm back to report. . . I had a lot of stuff to do today which kept me busy and somewhat off the 'gimme solid food' train of thought--but by the time I got back to the ole' homestead late this afternoon the HUNGER pangs came with a vengeance. Of course I thought of giving in---but then, I got a hold of myself had some MORE luscious lemonade and just used sheer willpower to convince myself that it is worth it.

And actually, it IS worth it--it's just that when you are in the throes of wanting to chew something savory and are so sick of the taste of lemonade it gets kinda tough. It's now past 5:00 p.m. and I feel I can do this--so I've gotten a grip and I will make it through another day. . .

Thank goodness for my handy-dandy DVR--when I watch TV tonight, I will be fast forwarding through all those tempting snack and food commercials and getting right to the show. (sipping my lemonade, of course)

Mentally I'm feeling very good right now because at this point the last time I did this, I just knew I was going to give up the next day--and I fulfilled that prophecy by actually doing so. THIS time I really see myself going the WHOLE WAY THROUGH. I've been visualizing the 10th day and what it will be like and I know I won't give up.

YES! YES! YES! I made it through DAY FIVE!

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