Friday, March 28, 2008

I got an AWARD! . . . . . well, sort of. . .

Hey! I'm ecstatic! I mean, I'm kinda excited about this in a fairly nonchalant way.

I had a good friend e-mail me and tell me that I should win an EXCELLENT BLOGGER award or something! They even went so far as to send me this little award through my e-mail system so that I could copy it and print it out on my blog. WOOHOO!

Here it is--right over there -------->

How cool is that?

OK--well, it IS a bit biased as it came from a good friend (who apparently likes me too much to know any better)

And it didn't come with a HUGE CHECK or a dream vacation or a new car or anything like that. . . but HEY! It DID make my day! And I am proud to say that I think I am almost in the double digits for those loyal souls who somehow manage to find themselves reading my blog!

So thank you to my friend--and thanks to any family, friends, enemies, strangers, and any other poor souls who accidentally stumble on to this blog and find themselves too tired, captivated, or without proper knowledge to navigate their way out of it!

I couldn't have done this without you!


Josh said...

I'd give you an 'O' for outstanding!

Showmethesale said...

Hey, Thanks, Josh! I guess I will have to do something extremely nice for you now. . . .

Anonymous said...

I give you an excellent vote too. I love reading your blog. I know when I visit I will find something to make me smile.

Showmethesale said...

How cool is this? I have 'another fan'!


Oh! And Thanks for the vote of excellence too. . . (checks will be forthcoming in the mail to both Josh and my other fan)