Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Master Cleanse. . . Day EIGHT


Happy Birthday to me! I woke up to another 1/2 pound loss. (and it's my birthday)

But I must tell you, last night was VERY HARD. I got very hungry later on in the evening and didn't sleep very well. I kept waking up. . . my mind was racing, I was uncomfortable, and I just couldn't get to sleep.

I wanted so badly just to have a slice of cucumber or Roma tomato. I've been craving things like avocados and yellow peppers and I'm practically tearing up typing about it.

I think today is going to be HARD. . . but I know there are two more days left and I'm just going to will myself to get through them.

Thank goodness I planned my 'exit strategy' well in advance--because I cannot imagine going into ANY food places right now. I've already got some organic fruits and veggies and vegetable broth waiting for me in the fridge along with fresh squeezed organic OJ.

Coming OFF this cleanse is a bit scary because I don't want to shock my body or make myself sick. So it's recommended that you drink organic orange juice, watered down to about half OJ and half water in place of one of the lemonade meals. Then the second day after the fast you can add some pure vegetable broth from veggies you have cooked or buying prepared organic vegetable broth in your health food store. NO VEGGIES mind you, just the broth from cooking them.

Just the thought of having a different taste in my mouth like orange juice or broth is sending me into thoughts of ecstasy.

It is also recommended that you take probiotics to build up the good bacteria in your system again--since you killed off practically everything during the cleanse.

I didn't feel so great last night and this morning I decided to take a probiotic capsule today with my lemonade drink because I don't want to get sick.

It's sheer willpower that's getting me through today--because I'm feeling my yearnings to EAT something in the morning hours, when I usually feel them later on in the afternoon. Perhaps this afternoon and evening I'll be fine again--and if so, that's a trade off I can live with for the next couple of days.

Last night some homemade chocolate chip cookies were brought over to my house in honor of my birthday and Dear Hubby gave me this sad, knowing look. But honestly, even though they looked good, I wasn't tempted to eat them--I really wanted some fresh spinach or a cucumber or carrot. (although I did warn my husband and son that they must save at least one cookie so I can at least taste it in a week or so)

Thank goodness I have tons of stuff to do during the day to keep me busy and keep my mind off food. The early days weren't this hard. . . but maybe because I am coming closer to the end, it is becoming more difficult.

I haven't come this far to blow it now--so I will keep it up. But I am going to ENJOY eating again, that's for sure!

OK--gotta go make some more lemonade mixture. . . I'll report back later.

I'm feeling a bit better now. It's nearly 7:00 p.m. and my energy has actually picked up! I had some organic laxative tea (recommended in secrets book as well as the original one)and even though on a normal day I wouldn't touch the stuff--it wasn't bad and ANYTHING was a nice change from the lemonade!

Yea! I can start thinking about coming off this cleanse. . . and I made it through DAY EIGHT!


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your fore-thought regarding how you are going to go off this thing. That was going to be my next question for you. Hang in there and...



Showmethesale said...

Thanks, Charlotte!

Beth said...

happy birthday, auntie!

you are crazy-the master cleanse sounds MISERABLE! but good for you and i know you will make it through.

happy detoxing:)

Showmethesale said...

Thank you, Beth!

You are right. . . I AM crazy and this cleanse can be pretty miserable!

Thanks for your words of encouragement--I am bound and determined to make it through.