Sunday, January 24, 2010

No, I am not obsessed with Antonio Banderes. . . well, maybe a little.

Now I have been accused of mentioning this guy on occasion.  You know, at parties, gatherings, a few conversations with friends, and maybe mumbling in my sleep. . .

I have no earthly idea why.  I mean--just look at this guy!  What on earth would there be to like?

I mean--he can't help how he looks. . . or talks. . . or moves through water. . .

I'm sure he had nothing to do with it.  He can blame his perfections on genetics or being incredibly lucky enough to find an amazingly talented plastic surgeon. . . or both.

But whatever it is---it certainly works for him!

I admit to watching The Legend Of  Zoro on more than one occasion (and even the bomb, Zoro II) as well as Once Upon A Time In Mexico and even the crappy Spy Kids movies.just to get my lil' Antonio fix.   

The Shrek movies were fun and featured Antonio's voice as the pussycat.

I mean--here you can even see Shrek giving him a BIG SQUEEZE because, well, he's just so doggone cute.

(although Shrek's opinion of cuteness is circumspect--as he is hugging the ugly donkey too--but you get the point)

I don't know. . . there is just something about him that makes me go. . . hmmmmm. . . or maybe it's yummmm!   Anyway--I am clearing up the matter once and for all for my hubby, family and blogger friends that NO, I am not having an affair with Antonio.  (well, truth be told, he hasn't asked yet)  And I am NOT obsessed with him.  I just think he's hunky and adorably cute in a manly, better than chocolate way.

And a girl's entitled to her opinions, isn't she?  I mean I feel so sorry for the poor guy.  All that walking around looking like something that can't even be printed on my blog because there might be children present. . .

Antonio, don't bother calling, hon--because I'd just have to turn you down. . . and for Pete's sake--can you just grab a towel and stay out of the water???

1 comment:

A friend who reads your blog said...

Yeah, he's a hunk. I admit, I'm pretty smitten with him too.