Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hey. . . Are ya BUSY?

OK. . . time for a little observation/rant/vent/whatever!

Have you ever noticed when you talk to someone--perhaps someone whom you haven't heard from in a while--or even someone you frequently see or communicate with regularly--or (Heaven forbid!) someone you've JUST MET--they always seem to ask you: 'So. . . have you been busy?' (or something to that effect)

The problem with this 'What have you been up to lately?' question is that it DOES tend to put one on the spot. . . Like I feel I must come up with something PROFOUNDLY IMPORTANT that has kept me hopping every waking moment. . . so as not to disappoint.

I mean--after the person tells you EVERY LAST DETAIL of what they have been up to--I sort of feel like a sofa slug, sitting on the couch, eating chips and channel surfing--only when I can muster up the energy to push the channel change button. (Wait, that's because that IS what I have been doing. . .)

I simply CANNOT compete with the folks who just got back from an important dig on another continent, managed to run their fortune 500 company from their sat phone and laptop, watched little Billy's archery competition at the state championships, and volunteered at the local soup kitchen for the past 7 1/2 hours just before getting their Volvo detailed and dry cleaning picked up.

It seems that you must come up with something completely inconceivable and utterly impossible in order to compete or at least mildly impress. And I'm just NOT IN THE MOOD anymore for that sort of nonsense!

I am thinking of coming up with a standard answer to the: 'So. . .have you been busy? Whatcha been up to?' question.

Maybe the 'I have been in deep therapy but I really can't talk about it right now' would work. . . .

Or maybe the 'I'm in a conference call with some VERY high level top brass on REALLY official super secret business, which is TOTALLY classified and most urgent. . . can I call you back?' would sound better. . .

NAH! I'll just use my ole' stand by: 'Uh. . .nuthin'



Anonymous said...

and what is wrong with sitting on the couch channel surfing? I gave up "lists" of things to do long ago and now am just happy to say to myself at the end of the day "I did -----(fill in got out of bed, did the laundry, made dinner, wrote an email)" Then I know I am still alive. Signed, One of the game players.

Showmethesale said...

My sentiments exactly, gameplayer! Nothing is wrong with channel surfing. . . or getting out of bed. . .or any of those other things you mentioned.

I like your style. . . I think I was giving myself a 'guilt trip' for not getting enough STUFF done by the end of the day. . .

But hey! I just bought a fresh bag of Doritos and I'm off to the couch!

Anonymous said...

This touched a nerve with me. I can relate. Sometimes it seems like you are thrown into a contest of "I am busier than you." It's easier to just agree and let the other person win.

Showmethesale said...

Hey 'not too busy',

You know--I hope you will agree with me that I just might be busier than you! (Do I win?)