Monday, April 13, 2009

A Blast From The Past. . . The 70's Are Alive And Well. . .

Holy Disco, Batman! Did we have fun Saturday night or WHAT? Oh yeah! The party that we went to allowed dear hubby and I to go back in time and recreate those fabulous high school days of the 70's when we definitely knew how to ROCK ON!

Dear Hubby became King of the Dance Floor:

And I became the wacky Posing Party Girl:

Trust me, we were not the only crazy people there. We had many friends who were just as insane as we were and not afraid to show off their FABULOUSNESS:

We even had a visit from the 'Phantom'!!!

Everyone was supposed to come dressed in the decade they graduated from High School in--and there was food, dancing, karaoke, and games galore! (As well as great photo opportunities to get on a SWEET Harley Davidson motorcycle--or become part of a rock band)

More photos will probably follow as I haven't gotten all the ones back from friends yet. . .

(I think they are holding on to them because. . . well. . . they are just too FABULOUS!)


Nicole said...

Great outfits and great hair. Glad we got to see it in person.

Travis said...

You and Dad looked really good. He kinda reminds me of John Travolta. It's fun when everyone comes dressed up.