Saturday, June 20, 2009

Heart Attack Grill. . . not for the wimpy. . .

Apparently there's a bit of a secret they are keeping deep in the bowels of Arizona. And it isn't more air-conditioning.

Oh no! It's definitely diabolical if you are concerned about keeping some semblance of nutritional health. (but I'm told it's MIGHTY tasty)

If you don't mind a few clogged arteries and a bit of a seizing of the heart--just watch this youtube video and enter the fattening and oh, so yummy world of the 'Heart Attack Grill'

You can order a 'quadruple bypass burger' that's only a bit over 8,000 calories with a side of all you can eat 'flatliner fries' (medics on standby and priests offering last rites after the meal are optional)

You might not live through the experience--but I'm told it's a 'meal to die for'. . .

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