Monday, January 5, 2009

Laughs for the new year. . .

I ran across this youtube video the other night--and both my husband and youngest son gave it a big 'thumbs up'. . . we were laughing all the way through it.

I think Jim Gaffigan is a very funny comedian--and his take on bottled water and Mexican food are quite similar to my own.

Dear hubby has been on a tirade about folks who PAY to drink bottled water. . . (although he has been known to have a few guilty plastic water bottles lying around himself)

And we had just returned from a a night of eating out at one of those 'cheap' Mexican Food places where EVERYTHING on the menu turned out to be basically the same thing.

So when we came home and I stumbled upon this Gaffigan video. . . it became an 'aha'--I TOLD YOU SO moment for our little family.

Therefore--as part of my new year's resolution to keep all my blogger fans informed of every latest development and nuance of my otherwise mundane and sordid life. . . I am giving you a respite from the tediousness of my life and sharing a funny comedy clip of Jim Gaffigan.

He rants about bottled water and Mexican food---and throws a few quips about Indiana and ugly vs. attractive people in for good measure.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. . . and I'm sure I'll be running into many of you with your bottles of water at a local Mexican Food restaurant. Save a taco for me!

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