Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There's Parkour. . . and then there's 'Office Parkour'

Unless you've been living under a rock or perhaps only visit this planet on occasion, you've heard of 'Parkour'.

The Frenchy French thought this one up.  It simply means the art of moving.  And what a way to move, eh?

The participant runs along a route and tries to navigate obstacles in the most effecient totally cool way possible by jumping, spinning, tumbling, leaping, flying, defying gravity and the laws of physics in every way possible.

I am a die hard fan of the sport--and am currently trying to get my body in shape just to navigate the coffee table and couch in my living room without breaking my toes.  (which, alas, I have done TWICE before)

And just as there are 437, 984 coffee combinations at Starbucks--there are many subtle and not so subtle rankings of Parkour. . . from the novice to the not so novice.  (I'm still working up to the novice level)

Just to give you an example--here is a guy whom I will dub 'The King Of Parkour'   His name is Damien Walters.  This is on the 'Hardcore Parkour level':

And then there is the 'Office Hardcore Parkour'  which is in a category by itself and should not be attempted without an 'idiot meter' present:

I'm not going to say 'don't try this at home'--because face it, you can try it ANYWHERE.  Just be sure you look really cool doing it and either give the 'thumbs up sign' when you've mastered a particular tricky move--or shout 'HARDCORE PARKOUR' for effect when you look like a total moron.  That way, everyone will totally understand and think you're amazing.

I will be attempting to hurtle from my parked car into a shopping cart and careen one-legged all the way up to the sidewalk, whereupon I will leap through the automatic doors into the Target store this morning.  Wish me luck. . . .


Elder Gifford & Wendy Nielsen said...

You are amazing girl!!! I love your spirit.

Mary said...

I wish I could be there to see your attempt at Parkour in the Target parking lot. You crack me up!

They should make this an Olympic Event.

A good friend said...

The first clip makes the second one even more hilarious!

Think Positive and SMILE! said...

That is great! That guy is in SHAPE!!! That's cool that he's a gymnast, too! Obviously, he has had lots of training and practice! Thanks for sharing the video! : )

Showmethesale said...

Thanks, Wendy! I don't know how much spirit I have left though, since the 'Target Parking lot' Parkour attempt has left me limping on one side. . .

And welcome 'think positive and smile' GREAT blog posting name--I need to put it to practice. . .