Monday, October 5, 2009

Beach Dance at Cannon Beach. . . Amazing!

Cannon Beach is such such a beautiful place along the Oregon coast and one of my favorite easy access quick getaway places when I need a  bit of beach time.

On my recent 'gal's getaway' one of the most amazing things we did was participate in 'Beach Dance'
the last Saturday of  September--AND it happened to be the last beach dance event of the season.

Only one of the gal's in my group had participated before and she talked the rest of us into giving it a try.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning--and I had absolutely no  idea of what to expect or how I would feel--but I was willing to just live in the moment and let the music and the ocean and waves and sky and sun and nature take it's course.

I picked my spot over by these cliffs--because there was an inlet (opening) among the rock face where I could go and be alone if necessary and not worry about anyone else watching.

The instructor gave us all iPod Shuffles with an hour's worth of all types of music and we all turned them on at the same time and just went and 'did our thing'

There were no rules, just complete freedom  to move and feel and just BE.



I didn't know how I would feel or what I would end up doing--but the music flowed, my body moved and lo & behold! emotions started pouring out of me. . . so much so, I had to take a break halfway through and get a grip!

It was WONDERFUL.  It was freeing.  It was exhilarating.  It was empowering.  And I ended up using every muscle in my body and performing moves I hadn't done since I was a kid.  (the next day I was sore in places I didn't even know I had!)

I absolutely LOVED it--and I think the other 15 participants that day felt the exact same way.

I talked with the 5 women I came with--and we all agreed we want to make this an annual pilgrimage and participate next year. (although secretly I'm hoping I don't have to wait that long)  I'm now tempted to get an iPod Shuffle of my own and get out there somewhere in nature and start moving and grooving amongst the flora and fauna and birds and bees.

A big thanks to Lisa our fabulous beach dance instructor---and to my friend, (whom I'll call Elaine) for suggesting this idea in the first place. . . and a big thanks to the friends who participated with me that amazing day.

If any of my blogger followers want to try this out for yourselves--just click on the beach dance link I provided in that second paragraph and perhaps you can find a location near you. . .

Hope to see you dancing on the beach--I know I will be!

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