Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blogging is cheaper than therapy. . . and keeps me 'regular'


I've heard tell that all bloggers go to Heaven. . . no, that wasn't it. . . I think it was blogging is not for the weak and simple-minded.

Wait a minute--if that were true, the blogosphere would be a huge giant void.

Perhaps it was blogging makes you go blind.  Yeah, that sounds about right.  I'm sure there are various and sundry reason why folks 'blog'. . . For me--it keeps me from doing a lot of laundry and ironing.  Not to mention,  it also saves me from having to call a shrink every now and again. . . (of course Zoloft will do the same thing)

But I digress. . .

Apparently I have some folks now who are taking my 'blogging temperature' by how frequently I blog and if I am 'regular'. . . When I fail to blog as often as 'normal', then I must be backed up.  (which is not a good thing)  And I really don't want to find out what a blogging enema would do.

If I blog too much,  then I am said to be binging and purging and that can lead to becoming a blogging bolemic.  (again not a good thing)

It's a very fine line that one must tread to find just the RIGHT amount of blogging space to take up at any one time.  I'm sure I've made some serious blogging faux pas.

And not to be distracted--but my heck!  Isn't BLOGGING a funny word?  I mean, who came up with that one?  (actually I think it was shortened back in '99 or something from 'weblog'.  Instead of folks saying 'I'm writing a web log'  it was much easier to say 'blog'.

Just like instead of saying, 'Could you be so kind as to please pass the creole gumbo casserole.' most family members will say, 'Uh, give stuff!'

OK!  Back to the topic!

I want to reassure all my little blogger fans out there that I am totally fine (as far as the incredible world of blogging goes) and have a plunger in hand and will do the virtual 'swishy' as needed to keep the blog posts flowing freely.

But what I don't put out in quantity--I make up for in quality. (yeah, that's the ticket!)  Which is why my postings may tend to ramble, not make any sense, and tend to appear randomly and for no apparent reason.

So don't be alarmed when and if you see me post something. . . or NOT posting something..  Just sit back, relax and enjoy the fact that you are only reading about my ridiculous life. . .  be thankful you are not actually living inside my poor, addled brain.

Wait!  Maybe you ARE living in there--and that's why I have to do all this blogging in the first place. . .



one of the voices inside your head said...

Keep on blogging, girl! You're great at it.

Dan said...

Really enjoyed your furnace story. Perhaps you should write books for a living. That will also keep you from doing lots of ironing. Cheers.