Thursday, August 14, 2008

The spirit of the Olympics!

YES. . . YES. . . YES!

I am truly getting into the competition. . . excitement. . . thrills. . . and drama that are all a part of the OLYMPIC story. (I mean, come on, how can you not be ABSOLUTELY ENTHRALLED with that total merman, Michael Phelps????)

And even though Beijing's opening ceremonies will most likely NEVER be outdone in any of our lifetimes. . . ya gotta admit, China's greatest resource is what the author of Soylent Green has said all along: 'It's PEOPLE!' Whew boy!

Dear hubby and I found ourselves mustering up enough enthusiasm to actually enter and participate this year. . . and although we did not make it into the finals, or much less serious medal contention--we DID manage to turn out a respectable performance.

Here are a couple of clips of our efforts.

GO U.S.A.!

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Meg said...

hahaha, love it. Thanks for sharing

Showmethesale said...

Thanks Megan!

(and thanks for paying off the judges, by the way--so we could compete!)

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I'm just wondering when you found the time to train?????

Showmethesale said...

Hi Mary!

I am constantly in training for all kinds of stuff! You just never know when certain 'mad skills' might come in handy and I have to be prepared for every conceivable possibility that might manifest itself in my life. . .

Sooo. . . gotta get back to my training right now. I am currently goalie on a dart team.